Smaken av Århus, regionens beste restauranter.
Med hele 4 stjerner i Michelinguiden for Århus by kan en jo se at den gastronomiske standarden i denne regionen er skyhøy. Til og med Lonely planet har plassert byen på kartet. Min egen gastronomiske reise strekker seg derimot utenfor…
Smaken av….. Mai og Rabarbra
Husker du smaken og følesen av rabarbra stang i sukker? #barndomsminner deluxe, det og nyplukka blåbær. Et sikkert tegn når Mai måned kommer er at også rabarbraen vokser fram. Rabarbra planten har jeg “arvet” etter min mormor… Det blir vel…
Smaken av Januar
Med januar kommer nyttårs forsetter som oftest! Har du kanskje et par av dem?. Spise mindre. Spise sunnere. Starte med trening… minst tre dager i uken. Et nytt og sunnere deg. Høres det kjent ut? Jeg sluttet med forsetter for…
Eating out: Kava Tava Zagreb
A weekend getaway to Croatia´s Capitol Zagreb is highly recommended. Just big enough as the country´s biggest city but small enough with just under one million inhabitants. I was on the lookout for cool breakfast places. In Zagreb that was…
TASTE OF: Latvia
– Collaboration – I went to Latvia to explore the food of the Riga-Gauja region. This years European Gastronomic region did not disappoint. Rather, surprised me. I am not really sure on what I expected upon going to Latvia on…
Taste of Sicily
What comes to mind when you think of Sicily? Lemons, Cannoli and of course the infamous M word! But Sicily do it´s food good. Real good. One thing I learnt are that the Sicilian people really love their sweets,…
TASTE OF: Summer and Strawberries
My favorite fruit are strawberries. And for me summer spells S.T.R.A.W.B.E.R.R.Y. in any shape. Plain. With milk, cream and sugar. As homemade jam or a cooling milkshake. This weekend I have been babysitting my Niece and we decided to to…
Eating my way through Germany, wurst by wurst.
October was a fun month. Starting off with a happy note that I was going to Germany. On a WurstAdventure that is. Germany is pretty much like a blank sheet for me. I have visited a couple of times only…
Taste of…. Summer
It´s the last day of July. And with August knocking on our door so is fall. It won´t be long until we again long for bright summer nights. Walking barefoot and looking back on the fun we had. For me…
Festival frenzy, Gladmat the biggest food festival in Scandinavia
Stavanger is filled with different kinds of summer festivals but the food festival Gladmat has to be the biggest one. A festival that continues to pull a lot of people in to the city for it´s 4 days of fun.…