Vinter vibber
Jeg har nedprioritert bloggen for alt for lenge. Slik blir det hver eneste høst/vinter. Arbeidet tar overhånd. All work and no play! Noe av det negative med å jobbe i varehandelen er julesesongen. Den er kaotisk, full av stress og…
Portovenere, shhh…. it´s a secret!
Portovenere. Could this be Italy´s best kept secret town? I found this little gem to be just as beautiful as any of the Cinque Terre towns. Just as colorful but without the masses of tourist. It was a windy…
Stavangers mørke historie
Med nesten 900 påmeldte som viste sin interesse på Facebook og med radio som også har fått med seg at det skulle være en byvandring i Stavangers mørke historie, er det ikke helt fritt for forventninger at jeg stiller opp…
Cruising the Nile
My anticipation for this felucca ride on the Nile was big – I will say. After reading testimonials and looking at youtube clips from feluccas at sunset, how could they not. So for me this was a big thing. We…
Eating my way through Germany, wurst by wurst.
October was a fun month. Starting off with a happy note that I was going to Germany. On a WurstAdventure that is. Germany is pretty much like a blank sheet for me. I have visited a couple of times only…
Sunnhet til min beste venn
Har dere møtt Bruno? min lille firbeinte fur baby, min lille chi. Han er på ingen måte noen bereist hund. Men elsker sine turer ute. Dette er ikke en veske hund på ingen måte, men en ekte frilufts hund. Derfor…
NuArt Stavanger. Street art returns
I rush out of my cab eager to see how many people have turned up for the first annual city walk of NuArt exebition this year. NuArt have returned to Stavanger and so have I. I love street art and…
The pink City, Marrakech – the city of color.
Marrakech is truly the 1001 nights in real life. It is called the pink (or sometimes red) city due to its color of the city walls. Located at the north of the foothills of the amazing snowcapped Atlas mountains.…
Berlin for nybegynnere
O.M.G – Jeg er alene. Alene i en by som tilsvarer omtrentlig Norges befolkning og her skal jeg manøvrere meg fram i et par dager. Forrige gang hadde vi lokalkjente Andy å lene oss på. Noe som var utrolig betryggende,…
Berlin by bike, 5 hour fat tire tour around the city.
A new morning dawns in Berlin and we are ready to explore the city by bike. After a long wonderful breakfast in the backyard of Hotel Circus we take to our feet and wander towards the TV tower at Alexanderplatz.…