Erfurt, i hjertet av Tyskland
Regionens hovedstad og urban by med mange muligheter til oppdagelse. Katedraler, Martin Luther, Goethe, Schiller og Napoleon. Festivaler og lokal Thuringen mat. Erfurt byr på det meste. Skal du være en dag på gjennomreise eller ideelt en helg, Jeg gir…
Erfurt in the lush heart of Germany
State capital, urban centre with a big potential and so much to explore. Cathedral of St. Mary, Martin Luther, Goethe, Schiller and Napoleon. Festivals and Thüringian food. Erfurt offers you all. I fell for its charming old town, the stories…
Thüringen – hvor wurst møter øl
Sponset WurstAdventure kjører videre i Thüringen og vi ankommer Holzhausen og Arnstadt for en omvisning. For å lage pølse, hilse på pølsekongen og for å drikke øl! En kan ikke klage når dagsprogammet ser slik ut. 10 minutter med tog…
Thüringen county, where wurst and beer meet
A tour into the Thüringen countryside to explore Holzhausen and Arnstadt. Two sleepy hollows in the German countryside.
Nordic Surf Games et vinter eventyr
Jeg er en stor forkjemper for våre jær strender og skulle så inderlig ønske at de ble brukt mye mer flittig enn det de gjør. Da varmer det et norsk hjerte å høre at det også i år er Bore…
Nordic Surf Games
As I sit here and write the clock ticks toward 6PM and it is still daylight outside. It is a lovely feeling. For to long the darkness has been here and it warms my heart and soul to see the…
Wurst by wurst – Eating my way through Germany ..
#sponsored Early sunday morning and even before the city awakens we head out of town. So long Berlin, I might very well be coming back here some day soon to explore more of you! But first on to taste some…
Carnival – the world oldest
This week was the kickoff to the world oldest Carnival – The big Carnival of Venice – and boy do I wish I was there. I have been skimming through my old photos this weekend and it stirred my travel…
Sending yet another Postcard from my region, Rogaland today. Had a long weekend to do absolutely nothing this past week. And It was so good. Just to spend some time with myself and actually see the daylight for longer than…
New Year ´s less ordinary
Happy New Year!! 2015 is history and 2016 is fast upon us. I´ve spent the last day and new year abroad. My most preferable way to spend my days. My last day of 2015 was spent in Denmark and Sweden.…