Everyday Life

Tea time the Morocco way

At our recently trip to Morocco, we were treated to quite the amount of mint tea. The moroccans make their tea with pride. As we were demonstrated in the lovely Riad Chorfa by our tour organizer.

Mint tea is a sign of hospitality, friendship and tradition. Served all day long and if you make your way in to the souk/medina for some shopping you may very well be treated to some mint tea during the bargaining. The tea is made the old fashion way with gunpowder green tea and is served very sweet often garnished with some mint leaves.

making that moroccan mint tea
Making of that sweet and refreshing moroccan mint tea!

Here as shown in above picture you have the gunpowder green tea in a traditional moroccan teapot.

Fill up one a small cup of boiled water and let sit for a little while. After about 1-2 minutes swirl the pot and pour one cup, discard this as this is dirty tea.

clean vs dirty tea
clean vs dirty tea

You can clearly see the difference between the dirty and clean tea – dark being the dirty. Then you add the fresh mint leaves and a ton of sugar.

To bad I did not get a picture of the massive sugar cubes he used, one stick probably equals 10-15 normal sugar cubes.

Add more water and put to a boil. When the water has boiled you may start the pouring. And If you have  ever got served moroccan mint tea you know they pour one cup and put it back in the teapot, this they to 2-3 times and the only reason is to dissolve the sugar.

Ready, set and pour:

put it back in the pot
put it back in the pot
Tea is served, enjoy!
Tea is served, enjoy!



  • Ann-Mari

    Så fine bilder! Ekstra kjekt å lese for meg som er te-elsker de luxe! Likte ikke mint-te før, men har fått veldig sansen den siste tiden. Dog med litt mindre sukker enn i Marokko…..
    Vet ikke om du har prøvd den gode mint-teen som Ostehuset selger fra franske Mariage Freres? Casablanca heter den, passende nok. Er ganske dyr i Norge (219) for 30 musselinposer, men verdt det. Du får ikke papirsmak i kjeften. Kommer også i løsvekt. Noe billigere i London på Selfridges (14 pund), og selvsagt enda billigere i Frankrike (rundt 9 euro)

    • annettemunkejord

      Takk 🙂 var ekstra morro å se det fra Satus vinkel 🙂 jeg er selv veldig glad i te så kanskje jeg tester ut den mint teen fra ostehuset en dag. Aah de har jo så mye god mat der og…

  • coffee in a cup

    ah, such sweet memories, quite literarily! 😉
    and, yes, annette, you’re right, which is why i should get going sometime soon (i still haven’t started on my first post – am i the only one?!).

  • Randomjenta

    Haha, ja teen var svært søt til tider. Fint skrevet om te-prosessen! Kjøpte jo med meg både te og en gammel tekanne fra Marrakech, så tror jeg skal prøve meg på en mini-te-seremoni (med litt mindre sukker..) :p

    • annettemunkejord

      Å så koselig. De er jo så flotte. Hos meg hadde de nok blitt stuet vekk bakerst i et sksp. Men tror jeg skal prøve meg på teen en dag alikevell. Det får bli forretten til grilloppskriften vi fikk 🙂

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