The dunes of Maspalomas
Been to the Sahara? No? No need to travel to Africa to explore some of the Sahara dunes. You only need to take a trip down to Maspalomas and wander the dunes.

The dunes om Maspalomas is a nature preservation and are also a big part of the beach going from Maspalomas to Playa del Ingles. Well known for the nudist beach and it´s gay community. This time around I really wanted to do the dune walking…. been seeing so many cool pictures from the area, and wanted to to some of my own.
Mr. Grumpy decided to go on a silent strike or something. ´Cause who does seriously put on long jeans and sneakers to go walking along the beach at summer or for that matter walking in the soft dunes? Come on!

I had been talking about the dunes for a small week, and we put the visit off in the start due to the first windy days we encountered. Walking at the beach while chewing sand – not my favorite!

Even though I used to live here for 9 months, years ago – I never did the dune walking or photo op. So one of my resolution on this retrovacation was indeed doing the dunes walking no matter what – even if I had to do it on my own.

And Mr. Grumpy wanted to come along – so he said the entire week. “Yes, we will do them” and at the very sight of them at the end of the boardwalk – leaving the paved wooden trail and heading into the soft sand – there was an silent complaining of putting on the wrong clothes…. Did you really think I would be satisfied looking at it from distance? hehe no way. Put on you best smile and walk on buddy….

If you don´t mind walking along the nude people this walk is a good walk – 12 km, sandy beach stretching all the way from Maspalomas to Playa Del Ingles. We did the walk in just under an hour. Me, walking barefoot and Mr. Grumpy in his Italian shoes. Heading for that ice cold beer at the end of the beach – the beach walk in Playa Del Ingles.
And the result of my photo tour, you ask:

Next time – I´ll do them on my own 😉