The road less travelled
Sometimes getting of the highway and just taking a random day trip can lead you to the most amazing places. Rocca di Pierle in Tuscany was one such treasure for me.

On a whim we got in the car to take a ride in the country side. Having read on signs showing to some Pierle Castle we tok a day trip. The small village of Pierle lays only some few miles away from Cortona located in a green Pierle valley. The small country road to the village is exactly that – small and very pretty. Giving you the amazing views over Cortonas countryside.
I am not sure what I expected when arriving to this castle but nothing like this. The castle is not that big but with some imagination you could easily see how it was back in its glory. Kinda makes me think of game of thrones. This could very easily be one of its sets. The village was so tiny – and its houses surround the castle with tiny streets.

This is an ideal place to seek and find tranquillity and peace. And for all of you who like some good history. This castle got it.
We were here all alone not counting a couple of dogs or cats. There are a couple of agriturismo properties just outside the village it self. I could easily see myself spending a night and two there to enjoy the views even better.
Goes to tell you. You never know what you will find when you go on the road less travelled. You should try it sometime.

rhonda albom
What a wonderful random find. Great photos too. I love old ruins like this.
Tank you. I loved this little village so much that I almost was tinking of buying one of the old little houses they had for sale 🙂