Everyday Life

Vacation gone wrong

Being on a vacation isn´t always as hyped up as we want it to be. Truth is that it may be more stressfull than good. Especially for your relationship.

The bragging pictures we post on Facebook or Instagram. They don´t always tell the entire truth. They are posted to showcase the “perfect” vacation we have so that others can see how well off we are. A way to say – Hey look at me/us at our perfect dream vacation, living the life!

Vacation Italy

Reality is often quite different.

The start of our little Italian Riviera getaway was just one of those many reality checks.

It´s 10 PM and I am exhausted.

It´s day one and most of the day have been spent on the airport and flying into Pisa. The ride into the Hotel for the night is a short taxi ride, and then the “fun” begins.

You see, before we left for our summer vacation (Mr. Grumpy and I). I made sure to book the first night as we would arrive late in the afternoon. I am a 100 % sure it is booked but made the mistake of not printing out the reservation and assuming that I had a copy on my phone. Obviously I am not so good at this whole booking thing..

As we check into the hotel it turns out that there is a double booking , made from two different companies. What are the odds that I make the same reservation, twice? Since I used a third company to book we end up having to pay twice the price for a single room.

Next morning it is a rather grumpy guy that wakes up early.

The air conditioner have been indisposed and probably needs a good service. What to expect when staying at a hotel run  by 5th generation, dating back to the 1800.  It gets fixed but it is late and we have been tossing and turning in the heat. This vacation are not off to a very good start. We pack up and head out to the train station and I find my jacket missing… Probably left in the cab. At this point I am not very happy either…

Vacation RiomaggioreWe arrive at Riomaggiore and already I feel the sweet making it´s way down my spine. The temperature is rising quickly and we are now in the high 25 ℃, and for a mere Norwegian this is on the sizzling side of hot. It is not a pretty sight watching myself head through the crowd of Italians and Asian enjoying their summer holiday. We on the other hand are looking for accommodation. We decided after all to be spontaneous and that in the worst holiday period. The things you do…

We get a hit and take it. We are to tired and hot to be bothered with looking around for anything better. Lo and behold… In the midst of the night we are awaken by both water from the neighbors shower and the other neighbors baby crying. We tend to forget every year that the Italian have paper thin walls with no insulation.

In the heat of the night claustrophobia also kicks in. We only have a small window and no breeze are getting through.

Vacation riomaggiore lovetrailDay two with little to minimum sleep. The mood are as you would expect. We try to do some sightseeing – how about that much recommended boat ride or that hike on the love trail? just our luck. Due to high wind – boats are cancelled. And the love trail, well closed since the landslide in 2013! how could I have not picked that one up?

Sigh. The start of our Italian railroad/hike adventure have been less than good. But then again, can it get much worse? (expectation can be a tricky thing, don´t have to high ones!)

But these things are not to be spoken of. Did you have a nice trip? Heck yeah! Italy and Cinque Terre. Wonders of the world and some of the most beautiful towns too. Where nothing can go wrong, right? beautiful and dreamlike!!!

Vaciation MonterossoCrap to that. I am repacking my suitcase. We booked online at a proper Hotel and are moving onwards to Monterosso.

And tonight, tonight I am going to sleep like a baby and nothing can wake me up until late tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day and new beginnings. And that is going to be a good one..

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